Friday, July 6, 2012

July 6, 2012 
It's been more than 4 years since I wrote the first entry and I've often felt that I wanted to write more.  So much has happened since that first, feeble attempt.  As I think over all the events, I'm a bit overwhelmed so I'll probably just start with today and see where this leads.   

One thing that is clear to me is that I have aptly names this blog.  The last four years have, indeed, been a journey both spiritual and temporal.  Some of the major changes:
  1. Now there are three granddaughters, Joining Catherine are Caroline and Charlotte.
  2. I bought a wonderful little house on a small lake.
  3. I have changed churches - now attending St Michael and All Angels in Cambridge Junction
  4. I am finishing up a term on Diocesan Council
  5. I have studied the Old Testament, and New Testament through the Whitaker Institute, finished up a year of Exploring Your Spiritual Journey and will be co-facilitating next year's group with Ross Vandercook.
  6. I have an amazing Spiritual Director.
  7. I like to journal.
  8. I attended the Worldview Seminar this year at U of M Dearborn and was startled to see how wrong I had been about other religious experiences.  There are many similarities in devotion of those who are committed to spiritual life.
  9. I have two Chihuahuas now - Star is still with me and I added Galaxy (Gala, for short).  She's an adorable little blond and just bounds through life with joy.  I've learned a lot from her.
  10. Noah lives in Seattle now and is getting married in August to Jana Safstrom.  He now works for Schooner Exact Brewing Company.
  11. Melissa is a veterinary technician working for animal Health Care on MV.
  12. Joel works for Kimberley-Clark.
  13. My friend Aubrie is sharing my home on the lake.  How wonderful to have someone special to greet in the morning and share our days in the evening!!!
  14. I appreciate journeys in ways I never anticipated!!!
Okay, this is just meant to be a start back in so there will be more coming, I hope. I don't expect anyone else to read this but all dear friends are welcome.

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